“It’s very scary to lose your eyesight. But it doesn’t change much of anything. Your life doesn’t stop. You can still live an incredibly full life,” volunteer Paul told patient Charlie.
Autism truths from a CHOC neurologist
In honor of Autism Awareness Month, a CHOC expert explains four truths about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and advocates for acceptance.
CHOC Innovator Spotlight – Dr. Casey Clay
Casey Clay, Ph.D., BCBA-DDirector of Escalating BehaviorThompson Autism and Neurodevelopmental Center at CHOC Mi4 recently spoke with Dr. Casey Clay about his journey as an innovator. Q: Can you share what it means to you to have an innovative mindset? A: As long as I can remember I have tried to figure out ways to solve […]
Innovator Spotlight – Sharief Taraman
Sharief Taraman MD, DABPN, DABPM, FAAP linkedin.com/in/drtaraman How has your background in informatics and innovation impacted your day-to-day interactions with patients in the Neurology clinic? Having a background in informatics and innovation makes it so that you’re always looking at ways to improve things within healthcare. Healthcare is complicated, and there are all kinds of barriers to […]