Innovation is embedded into CHOC’s culture. Here, we connect with a physician on his journey as an innovator at CHOC, which began with a summer internship.
CHOC Inside
CHOC Innovator Spotlight: Colleen Casacchia
We recently spoke with Colleen Casacchia, a CHOC clinical nurse manager in apheresis and acute dialysis, about her journey as an innovator. Q: Colleen, you’ve seen significant changes in apheresis during the last25 years. Can you share how innovation has led to improvements in the care that we provide to our patients? A: When I […]
Innovator Spotlight – Jenae Vancura
Jenae VancuraMedical Student, Past Mi4 Fellow, CHOC Mi4 Internship Alumnus This month we are sharing the inspiring journey of our former Mi4 innovation fellow, Jenae Vancura, as she reveals the basis of her innovative mindset and her unwavering passion for change. You recently won the Abstract competition at Peds2040. How did you come up with […]
CHOC Innovator Spotlight – Dr. Casey Clay
Casey Clay, Ph.D., BCBA-DDirector of Escalating BehaviorThompson Autism and Neurodevelopmental Center at CHOC Mi4 recently spoke with Dr. Casey Clay about his journey as an innovator. Q: Can you share what it means to you to have an innovative mindset? A: As long as I can remember I have tried to figure out ways to solve […]
Innovator Spotlight – Gira S. Morchi
Gira S. Morchi, MD Pediatric Cardiologist, DivisionChief, CHOC Cardiology and Co-Medical Director of the CHOCHeart Institute This month the Mi4 Team met with Dr. Gira Morchi to talk abouther role as an innovator at CHOC. Dr. Morchi, we had the opportunity to partner with you to co-create parent/patient educational heart modules. Can you share thoughts on the process? When we […]
Innovator Spotlight – David Gibbs
David Gibbs, MD, MHCM Trauma Director, Professor and Division Chief of Pediatric Surgery LinkedIn This month, Mi4 had the opportunity to meet with CHOC innovator, Dr. David Gibbs. Dr. Gibbs, can you share your path to becoming an innovator? During my lab years in the USCF Fetal Treatment Center I had the chance to work in […]