The Times OC article explains why philanthropic support is so important to CHOC’s resident dog program and the unique services it provides.
CHOC Inside
What NFTs need to achieve before healthcare implementation
In this Becker’s Hospital Review article, CHOC’s Chief Technology Officer Adam Gold discusses the possible implementation in healthcare.
Defender Profiles: Tinoosh Eftekharian, specialty clinics manager
Tinoosh Eftekharian, manager of CHOC’s specialty clinics, discusses her 19 years working for CHOC and why she is so proud to be a nurse.
Defender Profiles: Liliana Rodriguez, language services supervisor
Liliana Rodriguez, language supervisor at CHOC, discusses her experience as an interpreter and what makes a great defender of childhood.
eHealthcare Strategy: Augmented reality with Choco the Bear comforts children during MRIs
Defender Profiles: Lisa Murdock, clinical nurse at CHOC at Mission
Our Defender Profiles series introduces the community to members of the CHOC team. Here, meet Lisa Murdock, a clinical travel nurse who made CHOC at Mission her home base eight years ago.