More than two years after COVID-19 shook the world to its core, signs of
pre-pandemic life are emerging. But experts caution against thinking the
pandemic is over. COVID-19 has exacerbated what was already a mental and behavioral health crisis among children and adolescents, and despite a return to routines, the data is stark. Here’s a look at how kids are doing and how children’s hospitals can prepare for the long road ahead.
CHOC Inside
CHOC Hospital is first in Southern California to earn national verification from American College of Surgeons
The Level 1 Children’s Surgical Verification recognizes CHOC’s commitment to optimal surgical care.
CHOC earns national recognition from American Heart Association
CHOC Hospital has received the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines® – Resuscitation quality achievement award for its commitment to treating in-hospital cardiac arrest, ultimately helping to improve survival rates.
Orange Coast Magazine: 10 experts: Best ways to improve your health now
Children’s Hospitals Today: A virtual method for reducing real burnout
In this Children’s Hospitals Today article, CHOC researchers discuss how virtual reality is working to reduce burnout in pediatric healthcare workers.
CHOC recognized for expertise in treatment, care of primary ciliary dyskinesia
CHOC is pleased to be the first Southern California organization to join the PCD Foundation Clinical and Research Centers Network (PCDF-CRCN).